Dyslexia, dysgraphia and dyscalculia

Dyslexia is a reading disorder despite the fact that a child has expected intelligence, good eyesight and hearing, continuous learning, motivation and other educational and social conditions. Dyslexia represents a significant disproportion between the actual (existing) and expected level of reading in relation to mental age.
Clinical characteristics of dyslexia:
- Adding voices while reading
- Substitutions of similar letters (b-d, b-p, m-n, n-u, a-e, s-z, š-ž)
- Substitutions of phonetically similar letters (d-t, g-k, b-p, z-s)
- Substitutions of syllables
- Substitutions of words
- Difficulties connecting graphemes with phonemes (letter - sound)
- Difficulties connecting sounds and syllables in words
- Adding sounds and syllables
- Repeating parts of words
- Returning to what was read
- Omission of words and sentences
- Reading one word in several wrong ways
- Inability to understand what was read
- Spatial and temporal disorientation
These symptoms can also occur in a certain number of children who are not dyslexic, which may be misleading and create confusion for parents and teachers. However, the symptoms in children with dyslexia are more noticeable, apparent and long-lasting. That is why it is important to distinguish between children who have temporary difficulties in reading and writing, and children who have dyslexia.
Dysgraphia is a disorder in learning to write in addition to having expected intelligence, good eyesight, but also good educational and social conditions. In dysgraphic children, the handwriting is untidy, cannot be read, is poorly organized on paper, words are connected to each other or the space between them is uneven, letters are often added, letters are turned to the opposite side, and the pencil is held inadequately.
Dyscalculia is a difficulty in learning or comprehending arithmetic, mathematical symbols and relationships between numbers. The child has difficulties in understanding number-related concepts and in performing simple mathematical calculations.
That is why it is important for parents to contact a speech therapist in time, so that speech therapy can start immediately.
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